Joe Paola
Trauma & Anxiety Averted!
Joe Paola was thinking of buying his first home, but had some serious concerns.
"As a first time buyer, I was completely in the dark about the entire process...I had heard many horror stories from friends and co-workers" A large purchase like this could have been traumatic, and filled with anxiety.
Joe described how Ira & Carol Serkes helped him: "The two of you put me at ease...I want to sincerely thank you for your diligent and conscientious efforts on my behalf. I knew I was well represented in all negotiations. I would not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone in search of a home."
Joe Paola, Chiron, delighted home buyer!
Louise Pellerin & Jeff Johnston & Kids
Smooth Transaction With Cats & Dogs
Louise and Jeff were relocating from Golden. Colorado...and had some special needs
"I want to thank your for the wonderful job you did in helping us buy the right home in Berkeley.
House hunting is difficult in the best of circumstances, but it can be overwhelming when trying to do it from another state as we did coming from Colorado.
We appreciated your availability when we would fly in on short notice and your patience with the numerous difficulties we encountered in our various offers. We particularly appreciated the extra distance you went to make the transition as smooth as possible for our cats and dog.
If we decided to move again in the Berkeley area, we will definitively call on you"
Louise Pellerin, Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Earth Sciences Division, Earnest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
I was glad to get out of the Heart Break Hotel
"Gosh Ira & Carol...thanks for all you help! It was great to move out of the Heart Break Hotel!"
Jean & Larry Gaustad
It was a big decision to change Realtors
Jean and Larry had a big problem they had to sell their home! They'd bought a new house, and their loan had to be paid off in just a few months. 463 Arlington hadn't sold after 99 days on the they turned to us.
"Thanks for selling our home. We had many things on our minds. Moving is a big job after living in a home for 32 years. We liked our previous real estate person, however our house wasnąt selling. It was a big decision to change Realtors, believe me.
You people studied, investigated, presented charts and other information in a form that meant much more than the previous Realtor.
You are courteous, business-like, and friendly. It was a relief to have it sell so quickly.
We will recommend you to anyone. It was a pleasure doing business with you."
Jean & Larry Gaustad
Jean and Larry liked our courteous, businesslike, and friendly service so much, they've already recommended several friends to us!
Betty Laukeman (Grace's daughter)
Things really began to happen fast!
My granddaughter found a home for sale very close to hers, and contacted her RE/MAX Realtor about it. Her Realtor immediately contacted Ira and Carol Serkes. We listed the house with them, and then things really began to happen fast!
There were times Betty & I became quite nervous doing everything by phone, facsimile, and overnight mail, but Ira and Carol were always right there and seemed to say the right things to assure us that everything was moving as it should. In addition, besides helping us sell the house here, they helped us purchase the house in Florida by coming out to my home and help me complete the paperwork on the buy!
We feel Ira and Carol are not only professional and knowledgeable, but like friends. We are completely satisfied, especially with the advice given about the financial part of the transaction. We highly recommend Ira & Carol Serkes to anyone who is in need of real estate professionals.
Grace Townsend and Betty Laukeman
Lori Siegal & Steve Dobscha
We were impressed by your availability
Selling our house turned out to be much more of an ordeal than either of us had anticipated. To be honest, we were disappointed and surprised that our house didnąt sell more rapidly, that we didnąt get more offers, and that we didnąt get a better price for it in the end. Buy we believe that given our circumstances and the downturn of the market, we were lucky to sell at all.
You worked long and diligently to get the job done. You cautioned against needless, expensive fix-up work, which save us money in the end.
We were impressed by your availability day or night to return calls, answer questions, and write counter offers. We donąt think another Realtor would have been willing to put up with a phone call from a nervous seller at least once a day for three months straight. Thanks for your patience.
We interviewed several agents before listing with you. We had seen you over the years at nearby open houses, and we knew that you were familiar with our neighborhood. We hired you because you were organized and informed from the outset.
Lori Siegal & Steve Dobscha
We've Many More Personal Testimonials
You want these qualities in your Realtor!
Integrity, market knowledge & real estate expertise
Personal attention & service
Thoroughness & attention to details
Someone who succeeds when other agents have failed
An agent who contributes back to the real estate industry
 Ira & Carol Serkes
We're easy to reach too!
You'll have complete confidentiality of you phone calls, FAXes, and Email transmissions because all communications go directly to our private office.
Call our confidential personal business lines Toll-Free nationwide at 800/887-6668 or 510/526-6668. Send FAXes to 510/524-6869.
We meet clients by appointment at RE/MAX Bay Area, 1758 Solano Avenue in Berkeley's lovely Thousand Oaks neighborhood.
Our book has already helped over 37,500 California home buyers! Call Ira & Carol Serkes and profit from higher expertise on your next real estate transaction.