An agent who contributes back to the real estate industry

An agent who contributes back to the real estate industry

"Thank you for speaking at both the San Francisco and San Diego Home Buyers and Sellers Fairs. We had an excellent turn out, and many of the attendees commented on the quality of the speakers. Thank you again for your contribution"
Bradley Inman, Nationally Syndicated Real Estate Columnist

"Thank you for providing information regarding your recent sale. We depend on knowledgeable brokers for market information and we could not do our job properly without you."
Kathleen Kragen, Appraiser

"Thank you so much for another excellent presentation you made to the CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) Chapter meeting. Every time I hear you speak, I learn something new. I sincerely appreciate all of your help, effort, energy, work above and beyond the call of duty, and your sincere presentations. It's pros like you that truly make being a CRS a member benefit"
Dan Marchand, Realtor - President of the Northern California CRS Chapter

"Thank you for sharing your ideas with SOLD! We chose you as a subject for an article because you are a respected member of your real estate community; your thoughts and tips will be of invaluable assistance to your colleagues. I'm proud of the way you were featured in the inaugural issue of SOLD!, and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help"
Marc Weiss, Editor, SOLD! Magazine

Ira Serkes, GRI, CRS - Certified Residential Specialist, co-author of Nolo Press' "How To Buy A House In California," and Carol Serkes are Realtors with the RE/MAX Real Estate network.

Ira & Carol offer professional real estate services in Berkeley, Albany, Kensington, & El Cerrito in San Francisco's East Bay, and free referrals to other outstanding Realtors in the United States & Canada.

Call Toll-Free nationwide at 800/887-6668 or 510/526-6668......FAX 510/524-6869

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Sun, Jun 18, 1995 3:50 PM