North Berkeley
You may have seen surveyors or other field workers taking measurements of your neighbor's (or your own) property. These workers are part of a project by the City of Berkeley to assess the condition of sewer mains to determine if the sewer need rehabilitating. This work is necessary because much of the City's sewer system is aged and in poor condition.
To assess the sewer main's condition, the City has hired Montgomery-Watson Consulting Engineers to conduct ground surveys and closed circuit TV inspection of existing sewers and to set survey stakes. Care will be taken by the City to avoid damage to landscaping or structures. This field work will assist the consultant in determining whether the sewer needs to be replaced or rehabilitated.
If a public sewer main traverses your property or an adjoining property, it may be necessary for the consultant to get access to your property from time to time. In some cases the consultant may set stakes and other markers at selected locations for future reference. Digging a small hole may required to locate buried manholes or cleanouts; this disturbed area will be restored upon completion of the field work.
In order for the consultant to complete any of this work on your property, the City will first ask you to sign and return a "Property Access Agreement".
Maps created by the surveys will be available to interested parties at the office of the Engineering Division, 2001 Addison Street. If you have any questions, you may contact Robert Parent or John Bergen at Montgomery-Watson Consulting Engineers at 933-2250.
TONA plans to invite the consultant to a future meeting to present this topic and answer any questions you may have.
We need help with scanning. Please let us know if you can scan graphics and provide them via 3.5" disks.
Our preferred e-mail address is, but you can also reach us at BerkeleyRE@AOL.COM or 72062,474 on Compuserve. It's easiest if you provide the information on 3.5" disk or via email. Webmeisters Ira & Carol Serkes
G.J. Stillson MacDonnell 525-6874 President Richard Thomason 524-3724 Secretary Elizabeth Sklut 527-5512 Treasurer Jim Bonsey 526-8969 Secretary Zelda Bronstein 528-8345 Helen Burke 527-0176 Cynthia Campbell 527-8639 Lu Charlotte 525-6495 Director Emeritus Mark Gorrell 525-3048 David Strachan 524-5544 Linda Tong 524-5544 Heinz Weber 526-4741TONA Membership Form Dues per year: $2 Senior, $3 Single, $5 Family Send dues to: TONA P.O. Box 7572, Berkeley, CA 94707 Name:_____________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ Interests:__________________________________________
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